JOUBERT, La Première et Seconde partie des erreurs populaires, 1587
JOUBERT, Laurent.
La Première et Seconde partie des erreurs populaires, touchant la Médecine & le régime de santé.
Paris, Claude Micard, 1587.
Two parts in one volume 8vo (160x99 mm), 16-246-(16) pages / (34)-227-(13) pages. binding : Beginning of eighteenth century full calf. Binding rubbed.
Rare edition of this work in which Joubert refutes the popular prejudices and beliefs of the time both in medicine and in dietetics.
A work that enjoyed great success, but which aroused the ire of the medical profession, who were furious with the author because he had dealt with their art in the vernacular and not in Latin.
references: Dezeimeiris [I, p. 285 : "l'une des gloires de la faculté de Montpellier, et l'un des médecins les plus célèbres du XVIe siècle"].
Price : 800 €